We are excited to announce 44 Penske Automotive Group dealerships have been recognized by Automotive News as The Best Dealerships to Work For 2023. Each year, only the top 100 dealerships in the entire country are named on the list.
For the 12th time, Automotive News has identified dealerships that exceeded the competition in creating supportive, high-quality environments for team members. To be considered for the list, dealerships go through an extensive nomination process. Each winner is selected based on employee survey responses, community involvement and conscious efforts to communicate appreciation and recognition within the workplace.
The 44 Award-Winning Dealerships are (in alphabetical order):
- Acura North Scottsdale acuranorthscottsdale.com
- Acura Turnersville acuraturnersville.com
- Audi Bedford audibedford.com
- Audi Chantilly audichantilly.com
- Audi Fairfield audifairfield.com
- Audi North Scottsdale audinorthscottsdale.com
- Audi Turnersville auditurnersville.com
- Audi Tysons Corner auditysonscorner.com
- Audi Warwick audiwarwick.com
- BMW North Scottsdale bmwnorthscottsdale.com
- BMW of Greenwich bmwofgreenwich.com
- BMW of Mamaroneck bmwofmamaroneck.com
- Chevrolet of Fayetteville chevroletoffayetteville.com
- Chevrolet of Turnersville chevroletofturnersville.com
- East Madison Toyota eastmadisontoyota.com
- Gateway Toyota gatewaytoyota.com
- Honda of Danbury hondaofdanbury.com
- Honda of Fayetteville hondaoffayetteville.com
- Honda of Mentor hondaofmentor.com
- Hudson Nissan hudsonnissan.com
- Hudson Toyota hudsontoyota.com
- Hyundai of Turnersville hyundaiofturnersville.com
- Infiniti of Warwick infinitiofwarwick.com
- Jaguar-Land Rover Darien landroverdarien.com
- Jaguar-Land Rover Englewood landroverenglewood.com
- Jaguar-Land Rover Monmouth landrovermonmouth.com
- Jaguar-Land Rover North Scottsdale landrovernorthscottsdale.com
- Kearny Mesa Toyota kearnymesatoyota.com
- Land Rover Paramus landroverparamus.com
- Lexus of Madison lexusofmadison.com
- Lexus of Warwick lexusofwarwick.com
- Los Gatos Acura losgatosacura.com
- Mercedes-Benz of Bedford mercedesbedford.com
- Mercedes-Benz of Fairfield mercedesbenzoffairfield.com
- Mercedes-Benz of Tysons Corner mercedesbenzoftysonscorner.com
- Mini North Scottsdale mininorthscottsdale.com
- Mini of Warwick miniofwarwick.com
- Motorwerks Mini motorwerksmini.com
- Porsche North Scottsdale porschenorthscottsdale.com
- Porsche Stevens Creek porschestevenscreek.com
- Scottsdale Ferrari-Maserati ferraridealers.com
- Toyota of Bedford toyotaofbedford.com
- Volkswagen North Scottsdale vwnorthscottsdale.com
- Wolfchase Toyota wolfchasetoyota.com
Stay tuned, the rankings will be released in Automotive News this October.
Congratulations to our dealerships and team members for this magnificent achievement!