Throughout the next month our Women in the Driver’s Seat series will feature a new female team member from within our global organization, highlighting their professional achievements, how they have overcome challenges in their careers and the advice they would give to women considering a career in the automotive industry.
This week we are pleased to introduce Jenna Thompson!
Meet This Week's Team Member: Jenna Thompson, Service Manager for Penske Honda.
"Lead by Example"

What attracted you to the automotive industry?
I originally applied for a receptionist position, but on the second interview was offered a spot in the service department.
What was your first job in the automotive industry?
Quick Service Supervisor.
What is your proudest professional achievement?
Being promoted to Service Manager.
What motivates you every morning?
Knowing that I get to manage the best service department in the area, and face new challenges with my awesome team.
How have you overcome challenges in your career?
By working hard and putting in extra time to make sure everything gets done.
Looking back on the last decade, how have you seen the automotive industry landscape change and evolve to engage more women?
I may be the exception, but I have always worked with other females throughout the dealership. I am very proud of all the women working in a predominantly male industry.
What advice would you give to a woman considering a career in the auto industry?
Be open to it, there are truly endless opportunities.
What hobbies do you enjoy?
Spending time with family and friends, home improvement projects, and traveling to new places.